How to get Docker, & ZSH running on a new Mac : Quick setup guide

24 July 2017

I just bought a new Mac and decided I would install everything from scratch, no migration just a nice clean machine with only what I really needed on it.

I’ve been an customer since July last year so am very familiar with it.

I read through the docs which although are great for newbies, I realised there were a lot of things that I already knew. I essentially wanted a bunch of commands to paste in.

So created a quick setup guide for myself, initially to help troubleshoot any potential issues that may have arisen from my setup.

  • Install ZSH : sh -c "$(curl -fsSL
  • Generate a SSH key, and paste it to the team in your private team slack channel: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" then copy it to clipboard ready for pastingpbcopy <~/.ssh/
  • Install Homebrew : /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Install Docker & Docker Machine : brew install docker docker-machine
  • Install Amazeeio Cachalot : brew tap amazeeio/cachalot then brew install cachalot
  • Install latest version of Virtual Box, then install Virtual Box extension pack :
  • Create cachalot virtual box : cachalot create --provider virtualbox
  • Add environment variables to ZSH : echo "eval \$(cachalot env)" >> ~/.zshrc
  • Install Docker compose : brew install docker-compose

Importing an existing site already setup with

  • Git clone your repository
  • docker-compose up -d
  • docker-compose exec --user drupal drupal bash
  • drush status
  • Pull latest database from master locally : dsql @master
  • Pull latest files from master locally : dfiles @master